Proficiency tests
Accreditation Certificate DIN EN ISO 17043
Proficiency Test for Inhibitors
specially when it comes to such a sensitive tobic as the presence of veterinary drug residues in milk and milk products it is essential for every laboratory to optimally secure its own analysis results. This is shown by the high number of participants in the inhibitor proficiency tests. The aim of this proficiency test is to confirm that your routine inhibotor test analysis detects antibiotica residues in milkes commonly used inhibitors as penicillin G, cloxacillin and ampicillin with routine inhibitor analysis with MRL Level (maximum residue according to Regulation (EU) No. 37/2010) be verified by the participating laboratory.
We carry out this Inhibitor Proficiency Test with lyophilized samples from UHT milk regularly in the spring.
Invitation and Registration (16. Inhibitor Proficiency Test Spring 2023) Download
Pattern of Report of Results Download
Multiparameter Proficiency Test Ingrediens MULTI-PT
Parameters, sample material and sample analysis:
For analysis out of cow raw milk our MULTI-PT covers 19 different parameters and up to 10 different concentration levels for each paramters (see table on page 3 and 4). For cream (cow milk) we offer 3 different concentration levels and 3 different parameters (see table 4). Participation in all parameters is not obligatory, you have the possibility to sign up only for the parameter you interested in. This allows you to optimise your participation costs. Depending on the parameters you participating in, you will receive a sample set that consists up to 26 different samples for raw milk analysis and 3 different samples for cream analysis. All methods will be considered, i.e. “reference” and “alternative” method. Each analysis has to be performed under repeatability conditions. Statistical calculation will be done by QuoData GmbH. Statistical analysis will be performed according to ISO 17043.
Invitation and Registration (multi-PT Fühjahr 2022) Download
Pattern of Report of Results Download
Special-Multiparameter Proficiency Test Ingrediens SPECIAL-MULTI-PT
Parameters, sample material and sample analysis:
Our proficiency test covers 4 parameters with up to 4 concentration levels for whey, pasteurized, partielly homogenized milk/cream and skimmed milk (all cow milk). Furthermore 3 parameters with 3 concentration levels are offered for UHT milk and 6 further parameters with 3 or 4 concentration levels are offered for raw goat milk or raw buffulo milk (see table 2, page 4). Participation in all parameters is not obligatory, you have the possibility to sign up only for the parameter you interested in. All methods will be considered, i.e. “reference” and “alternative” method. Each analysis has to be performed under repeatability conditions. Statistical calculation will be done by QuoData GmbH. Statistical analysis will be performed according to ISO 17043.
Invitation and Registration (Special-multi-PT Herbst 2022) Download
Pattern of Report of Result Download
Multi-Inhibitor Proficieny Test
The aim of the Multi-Inhibitor proficieny test is to confirm that your routine inhibotor test analysis detects antibiotica residues in milk at MRL Level (maximum residue according to Regulation (EU) No. 37/2010).
All inhibitors are integrated into the set at MRL Level with one sample each.
The Multi-Inhibitor proficiency test contains three different sample sets:
- Set A: penicillin G, oxacillin, cloxacillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin, cefalonium, cefapirin, cefoperazon as well as 2 inhibitor-free samples
- Set B: neomycin, tylosin, sulfamethoxypridazin and oxytetracyclin as well as 1 inhibitor-free sample
- Set C: enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, marbofloxacin as well as 2 inhibitor-free samples
Invitation and Registration (multi-Inhibitor October 2022) Download
Pattern of Report of Results Download
Bacterial Count Proficiency Test
The aim of this proficiency test is to confirm that you have successfully determined the total bacterial count in the raw cow´s milk with your routine bacterial count test. This aptitude test will be offered soon.
Visit our website regularly to find out about our innovations.
Program of Proficiency Tests 2023
Please find an overview of the program here: Download
For more informations please feel free to contact Mrs. Dipl. Ing. (FH) Lisa Kranz or Mrs. Ann-Kathrin Zwick Phone +49 (0) 9826 623 41 – eMail